This archive contains the following files: readme.txt This file headtrip.anim7 AGA animation created from actual MRI data announcement Information about MRI data (3dhead) included for legal reasons This animation was created from 109 slices of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data. For those unfamiliar with MRI, it creates a 2-D cross section of an organ of interest by exploiting properties of magnetic fields (which I don't fully understand). The neat thing about MRI is that you can obtain a cross section at any depth (normally many slices are obtained through the organ). The slices can then be processed to obtain 3-D images and other neat stuff. I got involved with this in my DSP (Digital Signals Processing) class at Johns Hopkins. The class project was to apply DSP to medical imaging. My involvement was the 2-D slices to 3-D image generation. I obtained the MRI data from the University of North Carolina through the internet ( For those interested, the data can be found in the /pub/softlab/CHVRTD/volI directory. Be warned, the data is about 14 megs. My first challenge was to covert the 12-bit gray scale data to 8-bit gray scale. I did this with a Arexx program that I wrote. After that I converted it to a portable gray map (rawtopgm) and then to gif format (ppmtogif). Programs rawtopgm and ppmtogif are unix ports and can be found on the Aminet. After that it was a simple matter to throw the slice together via Art Dept Pro. Brian Dziki I can be reached at the Wishbringer BBS 1-401-956-2911 or 1-401-269-6607 (mail Mr. Zeke) or I can be reached via Internet (